Scan Window

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You are here: Scanning Documents >Scan Window


Use this window to scan and add paper documents to the Sohodox DB. The Scan Window also allows you to modify the scanned image before it is saved to the  Sohodox DB.

Scan Tab:

Use the Scan tab to start the Scan process. The Scan tab contains the following options.

Select a Scan Profile

Sohodox uses Scan Profile to simplify the process of scanning and saving paper documents. Scan Profile is a collection of frequently used settings which can be saved and reused to scan a document. Instead of specifying these settings every time you scan and save a document, you can specify these settings once and save them as a Scan Profile.

Click the drop down to select a Scan Profile.
To save the frequently used scan settings click the Save button.
Click the Delete button to delete a Scan Profile

By default the following Scan Profiles are available...

Black & White Document (Single Sided): This option should be selected if you want to scan a single sided document to a black and white image.

Black & White Document (Double Sided): This option should be selected if you want to scan a double sided document to a black and white image.

Grayscale Document (Single Sided): This option should be selected if you want to scan a single sided document to a grayscale image.

Grayscale Document (Double Sided): This option should be selected if you want to scan a double sided document to a grayscale image.

Color Document (Single Sided): This option should be selected if you want to scan a single sided document to a color image.

Color Document (Double Sided): This option should be selected if you want to scan a double sided document to a color image

The following profiles from older versions have been discontinued from version 8 onwards...

Black & White - A4 - Tiff - 150 DPI: Use this Scan Profile to scan a single page document as a black & white Tiff document at 150 DPI.

Black & White - A4 - Tiff - 150 DPI - Multi-Page: Use this Scan Profile to scan a multi-page document as a single black & white Tiff document at 150 DPI.

Black & White - A4 - PDF - 150 DPI: Use this Scan Profile to scan a single page document as a black & white PDF document at 150 DPI.

Black & White - A4 - PDF - 150 DPI - Multi-Page: Use this Scan Profile to scan a multi-page document as a single black & white PDF document at 150 DPI.

OCR Friendly: Use this scan profile if you want to OCR the document after the scan.

Grayscale - PNG - 200 DPI: Use this Scan Profile to scan a single page document as a grayscale PNG document at 200 DPI.

Color Photograph - JPEG: Use this scan profile to scan a document as color JPEG photograph.


Select a Scanner

The name of the currently selected scanner (or other imaging device) is displayed in this box. To change the selected scanner click the drop down to select the scanner (TWAIN compatible) you would like to use for scanning.

Show scanner interface before scanning

Check this option if you want the user interface of your scanner driver to be displayed while scanning.

Start Scan

Click this button to scan your document.

Once the scanning is completed successfully the document image will be displayed.


Settings tab:

Use the settings tab to set the scan settings. The Settings tab contains the following options.

Select a Scan Profile

Sohodox uses Scan Profile to simplify the process of scanning and saving paper documents. Scan Profile is a collections of frequently used settings which can be saved and reused to scan a document. Instead of specifying these settings every time you scan and save a document, you can specify these settings once and save them as a Scan Profile.

Click the drop down to select an existing Scan Profile.
To save the frequently used scan settings click the Save button.
Click the Delete button to delete a Scan Profile

Select a Scanner

The name of the currently selected scanner (or other imaging device) is displayed in this box. To change the selected scanner click the drop down to select the scanner (TWAIN compatible) you would like to use for scanning. Instead of a scanner you can also choose the Import Scanned Files from Folder option. Choosing this option will allow you to directly import existing scanned images to the Scan Window.

Select Scan Area

From the drop-down list, choose the size of the page you are scanning. If you want to specify co-ordinates to scan only a part of the page, then click the Options... button. Clicking the Options... button will launch the Scan Area window.

If you do not wish to select a specific page size then select the Scanner Default option.

Use Document Feeder

Check this option if you want to scan documents placed in the ADF (Automatic Document Feeder) tray of your scanner. This option only has effect if your scanner has an ADF attachment.

Scan Both sides

Check this option if you want to scan both the sides of the document.

Please note that duplex scanning is a scanner dependent feature. If your scanner supports duplex scanning then Sohodox will support it.

If your scanner is not a duplex scanner, then you can still perform a duplex scan using the Virtual Duplex Scanning feature.

Automatically deskew scanned image

Check this option to auto-straighten scanned documents that are tilted.

Automatically despeckle scanned image

Check this option to remove noise (tiny black spots) from the scanned documents. The despeckle option can remove the tiny black spots from the scanned image that are usually caused by the dust particles on the paper or scanner's glass.

Select a File Type

Use this option to select a file type, to save the scanned document. For e.g. If you want to save the scanned document as pdf select the PDF option from the drop down. In Sohodox, you can scan and save a documents as TIFF, JPG, PNG, BMP, PDF. The Documents and Pages options are shown only if the file type selected is either TIFF or PDF. That is because you can save multi-page documents only in these file types from among those supported by Sohodox.


Settings: Click this button to view the settings available for the selected File type. The following options are available based on the File type you have selected...

Controls the compression level (if supported by the Image Type) to be used when saving the scanned image. Higher the value chosen, smaller the saved file will be. Choosing a higher compression level may adversely affect the quality of the scanned image.

If you selected JPEG file type then you can control the quality of the scanned documents. If you want a good scanned image to be of a good quality then increase its quality percentage. Higher the value chosen, larger the saved file will be.

Select color depth

This setting controls the amount of color that must be captured during the scanning process.

Set scan DPI (Dots per inch )

This setting controls the amount of dots which must be captured per inch of the document being scanned. Generally the higher this value is, more will be the detail captured. However the quality of the scanned image mainly depends on the quality of the document being scanned and in some cases choosing a higher dots per inch value may not have any effect of the quality of the image. DPI settings in Sohodox are adjusted dependent on the scanner.

Normally a value of 300 is good enough to scan a color photograph, while a value of 150 should provide a good quality scan of a text document.

The dots per inch value plays a big part in determining the file size when the scanned image is saved as a file. The higher this value is the larger will be the size of the saved file.

Not all scanners can support very high dots per inch values.

Scan single page documents

This option is only available if Use document feeder option is checked. Select this option if you want to scan multiple single page documents.

Scan multi-page  documents


This option is only available if Use document feeder option is checked. Select this option if you want to scan multi paged documents. If you select this option the options below will get enabled...

Scan all pages to one documents
Select this option if you want scan all the pages as a single document


Number of Pages per document
Select or enter the number of pages for each document. For example if you will be scanning 10 documents and you specify the number of pages per document as 2, then Sohodox will create a total of five documents with two pages each.

Documents are Separated by

Select this option if you will be separating documents by placing a Blank white page or a Document Separator between them. Sohodox will separate a document every time it encounters a blank white page or a Document Separator. You can print a separator page by clicking the Click here to print Document Separator Page link.

The blank white page detection feature depends on the quality of the scanner and the quality of the blank white page used and therefore in some cases may not work correctly.

Blank page threshold

If you have specified that pages for each document are separated by a blank white page, then specify the threshold value Sohodox should use while detecting blank white pages. You can enter any value from 0 to 10.

When a blank white page is scanned, it may not scan as pure white because of dust particles etc... To accommodate for this Sohodox will disregard a certain amount of non-white pixels while trying to determine that the scanned page was a blank white page. The tolerance for non-white pixels is controlled by the threshold value. The higher the threshold value, greater the tolerance for non-white pixels will be.

If you set this value too low then Sohodox may classify some blank white pages as non-blank pages. If you set this value too high then non-blank pages (for e.g. a page with a single line of text) may get detected as blank pages. Since a wrong detection at any stage of the batch scan means that all subsequent pages will be saved incorrectly, we recommend that you do a test run to find out the best value for your scanner. You must choose the lowest value which works correctly for you.


Image Toolbar:

The Image toolbar has the following buttons...

Click the Edit button to edit the scanned document in the Image Editor . Using the Image Editor window you can resize, crop and rotate a document. You can save the modifications made to a document from the Image Editor

Click the Delete button to delete the selected scanned document.

Click the Merge button to merge two or more scanned pages

Use this button to select the type of preview you want to see - per page or per document.

Use this button to view the thumbnails of the scanned document.


Destination tab:

Use the destination tab to set the location to save the scanned documents in the Sohodox DB. The Destination tab has the following options.

Document Title

Use this option to enter the Document title of the scanned document.

Select a Destination Profile

Use this option to select or create a Destination Profile.

Choose a Folder

Use this option to select a folder to save the scanned documents.

Attach Tags

Use this option to Tag the scanned documents.

Set a Document Type

Use this option to the Document type of the scanned documents.


Links tab:

Use this tab to link the scanned images with other documents

Link to existing documents

Use this option to link the scanned documents with the existing documents.


Security tab:

Use this tab to secure the scanned document. The Security tab has the following options:


Assign to

Use this option to Assign the scanned document to another user.


Related Topics
Scan and add single document
Scan documents with fixed number of pages
Scan documents with variable number of pages



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