Drag and drop image from a web page

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You are here: Add a document >Drag and drop image from a web page

You can also drag and drop text from a document and add that text as a document in Sohodox


To Create a New Document by Dragging and Dropping an image from a web page:

1.In Sohodox, select Workspace > All Documents in the Navigation pane.
2.Drag any image from a web page opened in a web browser and drop it in the List View pane. The image will be added to Sohodox.
Note: Once the documents are added, you will get a confirmation message box asking you whether you want to delete the added files from the original location (on the disk). If you want to delete the added documents then click the Yes button if not then click No.

This feature works with Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. It may not work with all browsers.
Due to the way some web pages are built you may not be able to drag and drop all images from a web page.


You will be set as the Owner of the documents, that you have added.
You can click the Edit button to edit the scanned document in the Image Editor. Using the Image Editor window you can resize, crop and rotate a document.
By default documents added to Sohodox can only be viewed and modified by the owner/creator i.e. other Sohodox users will not be able to view documents added by you unless you share that document.
You can also drag & drop text to a folder, tag or document type node in Sohodox.

Related Topics
Drag and Drop a document
Drag and drop text from a document
Share documents


Page URL: http://www.sohodox.com/docs/help/index.htm?drag_and_drop_image_from_a_web_page.htm