Replace document from disk

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You are here: Add a document >Replace document from disk

You can replace a document from the Sohodox DB with another file on the disk by using the Replace from disk option.


To Replace Document from Disk:

1.In Sohodox, select the document to be replaced from the List View pane.
2.Right click that document and select the Replace from disk... option.
3.The standard Windows File Open dialog will be launched.
4.Select the file you want to use to replace the document.
5.Now, click the Open button to replace the document.
6.The replacement file will be displayed (previewed) in the display pane.


You can create a new document by dragging and dropping text from an RTF file to Sohodox. For info see Create a New Document.

Related Topics
Drag and Drop a document
Drag and drop text from a document


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