Create a Document Template

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You are here: Templates, Themes, Profiles > Templates >Create a Document Template

If you create a lot of similar documents, then you can save time by adding a copy of the document to Sohodox as a Document Template. Files of any type can be added as a Document Template. You can then create new documents based on the Document Template.

To Create a Document Template:

1.In Sohodox, click the Tools tab.
2.Click the Template Manager button. The Template Manager window be launched.
3.Click the File option in the left pane. The File Template pane will be displayed.
4.Click the New button on the Template Manager window to create a new Document Template. The New Document Template window will be launched.
5.Click this Browse... button to select a file, to add as a template.
6.Enter a name for this template in the Template Name box.
7.Now, click the Save and Close button to save the changes and close the window. The template will now be displayed on the right pane i.e. File Template list.


You can click the Save and New button to save the changes and open the New Document Template window.
To modify an existing template, select a Document Template from the list and click the Edit button on the Template Manager window.
To delete a template, select a Document Template from the list and click the Delete button on the Template Manager window

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