Specify Document Title of the scanned document

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You are here: Scanning Documents >Specify Document Title of the scanned document

You can specify the Document title of the scanned document from Destination pane.

To specify Document Title from the Scan window:

1.In Sohodox, select the Home tab and click the Scan button . This will bring up the Scan Window.
2.You can select a Scan Profile from the Select a scan profile drop-down.
3.Select a scanner from the Select a Scanner drop down.
4.Click the Start Scan button to scan the document. The scanned document will now be displayed in the Preview pane of the Scan window.
5.In the Destination pane, enter the name for the scanned document in the Document title box.
6.Now, click the Add button to add the scanned document to Sohodox. The scanned document will now be added to the location that you have specified in the Destination tab.
7.Click the Close button to close the Scan window.


If you have scanned multiple documents then all the documents will have same name followed by a suffix. For e.g. if you entered Acme Invoice, then the scanned document will be named as Acme Invoice1, Acme Invoice2, Acme Invoice3 and so on.
If you leave the Document Title blank then the system will generate a title for the scanned document.

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Page URL: http://www.sohodox.com/docs/help/index.htm?specify_document_title_of_the_.htm