Share documents

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You are here: Documents >Share documents

You can share a folder with other Sohodox users by adding the folder to the Public Folder.


To Share documents with other Users:

1.In Sohodox, select Workspace > Folder in the Navigation pane.
2.Select a folder from the Public Folders node.
3.Now, add the documents to this folder.
4.The document will now be shared with other users. The documents that you have shared will be indicated by the Share icon in the List View pane.


You can view, modify or delete public documents that you own, while other users can only view or modify these documents.
Move the shared documents to Private Folder to stop sharing.
Documents added to a Public folder can be viewed by all the users. If you want only one user to view your document, then you can assign that document to that user.
By default documents added to Sohodox can only be viewed and modified by the owner/creator i.e. other Sohodox users will not be able to view documents added by you unless you share that document.

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