Comparison Operator
Equal To
Use this operator to exactly match the value you are looking for
Document Name "equal to" AcmeInvoice
Not Equal To
Use this operator when you do not want the value to match the text you are looking for
Document Name "not equal to" AcmeInvoice
Less Than
Use this operator to find values that are less than the value you are looking for
Invoice Amount "less than" 1000
Greater Than
Use this operator to find values that are greater than the value you are looking for
Invoice Amount "greater than" 1000
Less Than equal than
Use this operator to find values that are less than and equal to the value you are looking for
Invoice Amount "less than equal to" 1000
Greater Than
Use this operator to find values that are greater than and equal to the value you are looking for
Invoice Amount "greater than equal to" 1000
Begins With
Use this operator to find values that begins with the text that you are looking for.
Document Name "begins with" Acme
Ends With
Use this operator to find values that ends with the text that you are looking for.
Document Name "ends with" Invoice
Use this operator to find values that contains the text that you are looking for.
Document Name "contains" Acme
Does Not Begin With
Use this operator to find values that does not begin with the text that you are looking for.
Document Name "does not begin with" Acme
Does Not End With
Use this operator to find values that does not end with the text that you are looking for.
Document Name "does not end with" Invoice
Does Not Contain
Use this operator to find values that does not contain the text that you are looking for.
Document Name "does not contain" Acme
Is Empty
Use this operator to match empty values.
Invoice Date "Is Empty"
Is Not Empty
Use this operator to match non-empty values.
Invoice Date "Is Not Empty"