1. Improved: Logging for Virtual Printing

    Logging has been improved for the Virtual Printing feature. This will make it easier and faster to detect the cause of any virtual printing related problems.

  2. Fixed: OutOfMemory Exception when exporting hundreds of thousands of data rows

    The number of rows of data that can be exported has been significantly enhanced. There was never any limit imposed on the number of rows that can be exported. The limit is mainly imposed by the hardware of your machine. However we have optimized the code so that a lot more rows of data can be exported on the same hardware.

    If you still hit any problems, you split the export process into batches by filtering the data using the ID of the rows. Please do contact us if you need more details.

  3. Improved: Currently logged in Windows user mentioned in the logs

    The currently logged in Windows user is now mentioned in the logs. This makes it easy to combine logs from multiple machines or interpret logs from machines with multiple users