Note: Please note all Sohodox customers receive free upgrades to all major and minor versions of Sohodox released within one year of their date of purchase! So if you buy Sohodox now, you can upgrade to new versions released within the next 12 months and are also protected against any price increase which may accompany the new version release.

MS Office Integration

Select and open a document from a Sohodox DB from within MS Office applications such as MS Word or MS Excel. Add a new document to the Sohodox DB from within MS Office applications such as MS Word or MS Excel.

Add documents via Mobile Devices

Add new documents to Sohodox via iOS/Android Sohodox App. You can even capture an image via your phone’s camera and add it directly to Sohodox.

Have a feature you would like to see added to future versions of Sohodox? If yes, fill out this form to submit your feature request.