(Not) Having a document management system can be expensive

Small business owners are increasingly getting technologically savvy. Yet when it’s time to cut costs, they could commit the mistake of not spending on technology that could actually save them money. One such example is in the area of managing information, using an electronic document management system. “Why have a document management system?” you might ask. Reasons why you absolutely need electronic document management…

Are your small business documents disaster proof?

Just yesterday, South East Asia was hit by a massive earthquake measuring 8.7 on the Richter scale. Shockwaves were felt in about 28 countries, with a mild earthquake also hitting the Arabian Sea. This just goes to show how vulnerable our planet Earth is… Here is a suggested 3-Step back-up plan for your documents…

Have you made your small business natural disaster-proof?

Wikipedia defines a natural disaster as “the effect of a natural hazard (e.g., flood, tornado, hurricane, volcanic eruption, earthquake, or landslide).” Natural disasters are different from natural hazards. A natural hazard turns into a disaster generally when humans are affected by the hazard and are vulnerable to it. For a business organization, this has 2 implications…