Underline Words or Sentences on a document

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You are here: Annotation >Underline Words or Sentences on a document

You can use the Line button on the Annotation toolbar to draw straight lines or underline important texts or strike out texts on the documents.


To Underline Words or Sentences:

1.Select the document that you want to annotate. The document will now be displayed in the Document Details pane.
2.Click the Line button on the Annotation toolbar.
3.Drag the pointer to draw the line. That's it.
4.You can also format the line that you have drawn on the document i.e. change its color or its border thickness.  To do this...
a)Select the image drawn and move your mouse over it. You will now get a Mini toolbar.
b)Select a color by clicking the Color button .
c)Select a value for the thickness of the line from the Border Thickness drop down.


Please note the lines that are drawn by you on a document are not imprinted on it, it can be deleted or moved. To delete the drawn image, select it and hit the Delete button on the keyboard or click the Delete button on the Mini toolbar.
You can make the lines permanent by burning it on the document. To do this, refer to Annotate the Document permanently. Please note if you burn a colored annotated object on a Black & White document, the annotated object will be burned in black color.

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Page URL: http://www.sohodox.com/docs/help/index.htm?underline_words_or_sentences_on_document.htm