Remove Tag from Multiple Documents

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You are here: Tags >Remove Tag from Multiple Documents

You can remove a common tag from multiple documents together, using the Tags node.


To Remove a Tag from Multiple Documents:

1.In the Tags node, select the tag to be removed from the documents.
2.Select the documents from which you want to remove the tag. None of the documents will be displayed in the Documents Details pane. Instead, a batch update note will be displayed.
3.Press the Shift key on the keyboard and click on the Delete button or right-click over the selected documents and click Delete. This will bring up a dialog asking you to confirm if you want to remove the tag from the selected documents.
4.Click Yes to remove. Repeat the process for every tag that you want to delete from multiple documents together.


A tag does not get deleted from the Tags node if you remove it from the Tags box.
Selecting multiple documents and then clicking the Delete button next to the Tags box in the Documents Details pane will remove all the existing tags from the selected documents.
To modify a common tag for multiple documents together, first create the correct tag in the Tags node. Then click the old tag which you wanted to modify. Now select the relevant documents together and drag and drop them onto the new tag in the Tags node. The documents will now no longer be visible under the old tag from the Tags node, neither will any of them have the old tag when previewed in the Documents Details pane.

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Create a new Tag
Delete a Tag
Tag Multiple Documents Together



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