Enhance Scanned Documents

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When I scan my documents they come appear to be very light.  Is there a way to make the document darker?

You can try the following to make the text appear darker.

1.In Sohodox, double click the scanned document to open it in the Image Viewer. Or click the Edit button on the Image toolbar. The scanned document will now open in the Image editor window.
2.Click Adjustments drop down and select the Brightness option. Decrease the brightness percentage to -10.
3.Click Ok to apply the settings. The image will appear dark.
4.Now, again click the Adjustments drop down and select the Contrast option. Increase the contrast percentage till it appears bright.
5.Click Ok to apply the settings. The image content should now appear darker.


How to auto-straighten scanned documents

You can auto-straighten documents that were tilted during scanning process. To do this follow the steps below...

In the Scan window, click the Settings tab. The Settings pane will now be displayed.

Check the Automatically deskew scanned image option to auto-straighten the scanned image. Now, whenever a document is scanned, each and every page of that document will be checked, if the scanned document is tilted, then the image will be auto-straightened and will then be added to Sohodox.

You can also manually auto-straighten the document. To do this...

Click the Edit button on the Image toolbar. The scanned document will now open in the Image editor window.

Click Adjustments drop down and select the Deskew option. The document will now be straightened


How to remove noise (tiny black spots) from the documents

Check the Automatically despeckle scanned image option to remove noise from the scanned image. Now, whenever a document is scanned, each and every page of that document will be checked, if the scanned document is speckled (has tiny black spots), then the image will be despeckled and will then be added to Sohodox.

To manually remove or reduce noise (tiny black spots) from the scanned document, follow the steps below...

1.Click the Edit button on the Image toolbar. The scanned document will now open in the Image editor window.
2.Click the Eraser button . Now hold left button of the mouse and drag it over the black spots to erase it.

Please make sure not to drag the Eraser tool over the scanned text as it may erase it too. Incase you accidentally erased a text area then please make sure you do not save the changes, this will retain the erased text area.

Another method to do this is as follows...

1.Click Adjustments drop down and select the Despeckle option.
2.Specify 1 pixel in the Dot size box. Now, click the Ok button.
3.All the dots that are around one pixel in size will be automatically erased from the document.

This method is not recommended for scanned documents that have text with small font sizes, as it may remove full stops (period), decimals etc.

You can remove noise from the document even during the scan process.

You can avoid the tiny black spots by...
Cleaning the paper documents before scanning (wipe it with a dry cloth).
Cleaning the scanner's glass and making sure that there are no dust particles on it (for cleaning instructions see scanner's manual).


How to remove punch hole marks (two big black spots) and stapler or pin marks from the documents

You can remove the punch hole marks or the stapler (pin) marks from the scanned document by using the Eraser tool. To use the eraser tool...

1.Click the Edit button on the Image toolbar. The scanned document will now open in the Image editor window.
2.Click the Eraser button . Now hold left button of the mouse and drag it over the big black spots and on the stapler marks to erase them.

Please make not to drag the Eraser tool over the scanned text as it may erase it too. Incase you accidentally erased a text area then please make sure you do not save the changes, this will retain the erased text area.


Page URL: http://www.sohodox.com/docs/help/index.htm?enhance_scanned_documents.htm