Creating a website for your small business

Hello, welcome to another post from SOHODOX to help you make smart moves to take your small business ahead. This time we thought of sharing some real cool tips on managing your business website. Before reading this, you could first read up our post on “How a small business can book a website domain &…

Meet steve the superlawyer

Steve is a practicing lawyer whose colleagues and friends keep wondering how Steve manages to do it all. His cases go smoothly, he always has the right documents with him, he never seems to be searching for any information at all, and he does it all by himself. So it is not a wonder that…

RIP GOOGLE Reader, it’s time to move on

GOOGLE Reader is shutting down on 1st July; our team puts down some of the best alternatives for you. So a random guess is that you have heard the grave news, and are already feeling the pangs of loss. Well, it had to happen one day, and GOOGLE has killed Reader leaving many of us stranded…

It’s our turn to make some jaws drop!

(Dentist’s day Celebrations in SOHODOX!!) A BIG hello to all the hardworking dentists out there. Now we all love you for the troubles you take to make us human again after a severe tooth pain turns us into something else. Although some people may believe that dentists actually enjoy making people stretch and drop jaws…