“Tip of the Day” Tweets starting today

Image via Wikipedia Sohodox has a lot of features which some of our users may not be aware of.  So that our users are able to gain from all the functionality in Sohodox, we will be tweeting at least one tip about using the product everyday.  The first tweet goes out in the next few…

Spanish versions of Sohodox to launch soon

Image via Wikipedia Users could always create field names and enter data in the language of their choice but the menu and dialogs have only been available in English. Based on a number of requests received from partners and customers, we decided to undertake the translation of the Sohodox User Interface into multiple languages. Work…

Sohodox Version

Sohodox Version has been released. This is a minor release with a few bug fixes and new features. Click the link below to download the new version… http://www.itaz.com/download.htm Listed below are the new features and bug fixes in version What’s New: Error ignored when adding multiple files to Sohodox While adding large number…

Offers for this month

Sohodox 3 User license pack for US $567 US $399. Total savings of US $168 Click the link below to order Sohodox 3 User license pack for US $399… http://www.itaz.com/transfer-to-checkout.php?PRODUCT[300280455]=1 Please type in the below mentioned coupon code at the bottom of the ordering page to avail the discount. Coupon Code: soho3feb10qaz This offer is…

Offer: 20% discount on 1 Sohodox license

This is our eleventh and final offer as part of the 11on11 offers to celebrate our 11th anniversary. We are extremely happy with your response to the offers over the last 11 days! A big thank you to all of you for your participation and your good wishes. Today we are offering a 20% discount…